
On-board Payload Data Compression Workshop (OBPDC)

DAPCOM has participated in the On-Board Payload Data Compression workshop (OBPDC) held in Venice last October 23rd + 24th. As usual, this fourth edition was very interesting and fruitful, as can be seen in the Programme.

DAPCOM presented the results obtained with FAPEC and DWTFAPEC on a variety of test images. Most remarkably, we presented there our new developments. On one hand, a parallel implementation of our FAPEC data compressor, which scales very good up to 16 processes, reaching 600MB/s in that case. On the other hand, our new image compression algorithm, HPA (Hierarchical Pixel Averaging); despite of being just a prototype, this lossless and fixed-quality lossy compressor offers ratio-versus-quality results comparable to those of the current space standard (CCSDS 122.0), and also comparable to those obtained with the JPEG standard. The proceedings of these presentations are also available under request.