FAPEC-based compression results on satellite imaging data
FAPEC-based compression results on satellite imaging data
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Authors: Portell, J., Artigues, B., García-Berro, E., Ahmadloo, H.
Conference: ESA On-Board Payload Data Compression workshop IV
Date: October 24th 2014.
Parallel implementation of the FAPEC data compressor
Parallel implementation of the FAPEC data compressor
Downloads: Presentation and Article
Authors: García-Almoril, S., Portell, J., García-Berro, E.
Conference: ESA On-Board Payload Data Compression workshop IV
Date: October 24th 2014.
Hierarchical pixel averaging: a new image compression approach
Hierarchical pixel averaging: a new image compression approach
Downloads: Presentation and Article
Authors: Iudica, R., Portell, J., García-Berro, E.
Conference: ESA On-Board Payload Data Compression workshop IV
Date: October 24th 2014.
DAPCOM presentation in "Joven empresa innovadora 2013
DAPCOM presentation in “Joven empresa innovadora 2013
Downloads: Presentation
Authors: Julbe, F.
Conference: Joven empresa innovadora 2013
Date: June 20th 2013.
DWTFAPEC: image data compression based on CCSDS 122.0 and FAPEC
DWTFAPEC: image data compression based on CCSDS 122.0 and FAPEC
Downloads: Article
Authors: Artigues, B., Portell, J., Villafranca, A.G., Ahmadloo, H., García-Berro, E.
Conference: Journal of Applied Remote Sensing (2013) 7 (1), 074592, SPIE.
Date: 2013.
PEC: A fast lossless compression method for satellite noisy data
PEC: A fast lossless compression method for satellite noisy data
Downloads: Article
Authors: Villafranca, A.G., Portell, J., García-Berro, E.
Conference: Journal of Applied Remote Sensing (2013) 7 (1), 074593, SPIE.
Date: 2013
Outlier-resilient entropy coding
Outlier-resilient entropy coding
Downloads: Chapter
Authors: Portell, J., Villafranca, A.G., García-Berro, E.
Book (chapter): Recent advances in satellite data compression, Springer, ed.: B. Huang, ISBN 978-1-4614-1183-3.
Date: 2011
On-board data handling and compression for the LOFT mission
On-board data handling and compression for the LOFT mission
Downloads: Programme
Authors: Suchy, S., Portell, J., et al.
Conference: OBPDC III (Barcelona 2012), ESA/CNES.
Date: 2012
On-ground astronomical data decompression - The Gaia project
On-ground astronomical data decompression – The Gaia project
Downloads: Programme
Authors: Martin-Fleitas, J., van Reeven, W., Siddiqui, H., Portell, J.
Conference: OBPDC III (Barcelona 2012), ESA/CNES.
Date: 2012
The on-board data handling concept for the LOFT Large Area Detector
The on-board data handling concept for the LOFT Large Area Detector
Downloads: Proceeding
Authors: Sucky, S., Uter, P., Tenzer, C. et al.
Conference: Astronomical Instrumentation (Amsterdam 2012), SPIE.
Date: 2012
MPI-based Java solution for efficient management of data access in HPC
MPI-based Java solution for efficient management of data access in HPC
Downloads: Conference
Authors: Fries, A., Portell, J., Isasi, Y., Castañeda, J., Sirvent, R., López-Taboada, G.
Conference: INFOCOMP (Barcelona 2011), IARIA.
Date: 2011
An efficient framework for Java data processing systems in HPC environments
An efficient framework for Java data processing systems in HPC environments
Downloads: Proceeding
Authors: Fries, A. , Castañeda, J., Isasi, Y. , López-Taboada, G., Portell, J., Sirvent, R.
Conference: High-Performance Computing in Remote Sensing (Prague 2011), SPIE.
Date: 2011
Efficient data storage of astronomical data using HDF5 and PEC compression
Efficient data storage of astronomical data using HDF5 and PEC compression
Downloads: Proceeding
Authors: Portell, J., García-Berro, E., Estepa, C., Castañeda, J., Clotet, M.
Conference: High-Performance Computing in Remote Sensing (Prague 2011), SPIE.
Date: 2011
FAPEC in an FPGA: a simple low-power solution for data compression in space
FAPEC in an FPGA: a simple low-power solution for data compression in space
Downloads: Proceeding
Authors: Villafranca, A.G., Mignot, S., Portell, J., García-Berro, E.
Conference: Satellite Data Compression VII (San Diego 2011), SPIE.
Date: 2011
Data management at Gaia data processing centers
Data management at Gaia data processing centers
Downloads: Chapter
Authors: de Teodoro, P., Hutton, A., Frezouls, B., Montmory, A., Portell, J., Messineo, R., Riello, M., Nienartowicz, K.
Conference: Astrostatistics and Data Mining in Large Astronomical Databases” (La Palma 2011), GREAT/ESF
Date: 2011
New data compression algorithms for space applications: Software and Hardware implementations
New data compression algorithms for space applications: Software and Hardware implementations
Authors: de Teodoro, P., Hutton, A., Frezouls, B., Montmory, A., Portell, J., Messineo, R., Riello, M., Nienartowicz, K.
Thesis: PhD Thesis of A. G. Villafranca, UPC
Date: 2011
Quick outlier-resilient entropy coder for space missions
Quick outlier-resilient entropy coder for space missions
Downloads: Article
Authors: Portell, J., Villafranca, A.G., García-Berro, E.
Journal: Journal of Applied Remote Sensing (2010) 4, 041784, SPIE.
Date: 2010
Java-based communication in a High Performance Computing environment
Java-based communication in a High Performance Computing environment
Downloads: Article
Authors: Fries, A., Portell, J., Sirvent, R.
Journal: EAS Publications Series, 45, pp 103-106. doi:10.1051/eas/1045017.
Date: 2010
Reduction of the Gaia astrometric data
Reduction of the Gaia astrometric data
Downloads: Proceeding
Authors: Fabricius, C., Torra, J., Portell, J., and Castañeda, J.
Journal: Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VI, Springer.
Date: 2010
Outlier-resilient adaptive entropy coders
Outlier-resilient adaptive entropy coders
Downloads: Proceeding
Authors: Portell, J.,Villafranca, A. G., Clotet, M., García-Berro, E.
Conference: On-Board Payload Data Compression II (Toulouse 2010), ESA.
Date: 2010
Optimizing GPS data transmission using entropy coding compression
Optimizing GPS data transmission using entropy coding compression
Downloads: Proceeding
Authors: Villafranca, A.G., Mora, I., Ruiz-Rodriguez, P., Portell, J., García-Berro, E.
Conference: Satellite Data Compression VI (San Diego 2010), SPIE.
Date: 2010
Simple resiliency improvement of the CCSDS standard for lossless data compression
Simple resiliency improvement of the CCSDS standard for lossless data compression
Downloads: Proceeding
Authors: Clotet, M., Portell, J., Villafranca, A.G., García-Berro, E.
Conference: Satellite Data Compression VI (San Diego 2010), SPIE.
Date: 2010
Hardware implementation of the FAPEC lossless data compressor for space
Hardware implementation of the FAPEC lossless data compressor for space
Downloads: Article
Authors: Villafranca, A.G., Mignot, S., Portell, J., García-Berro, E.
Journal: NASA/ESA Adaptive Hardware Systems (Anaheim 2010), IEEE.
Date: 2010
Designing optimum solutions for lossless data compression in space
Designing optimum solutions for lossless data compression in space
Downloads: Proceeding
Authors: Villafranca, A.G., Portell, J., García-Berro, E.
Conference: Space Communications and Navigation (Korea 2009), IAC.
Date: 2010
Development of optimum lossless compression systems for space missions
Development of optimum lossless compression systems for space missions
Downloads: Article
Authors: Villafranca, A.G., Portell, J., García-Berro, E.
Conference: Data Compression Conference (Utah 2009), IEEE Comp. Soc.
Date: 2009
A resilient and quick data compression method of prediction errors for space missions
A resilient and quick data compression method of prediction errors for space missions
Downloads: Proceeding
Authors: Portell, J., Villafranca, A.G., García-Berro, E.
Conference: Satellite Data Compression V (San Diego 2009), SPIE.
Date: 2009
High-performance Payload Data Handling System for Gaia
High-performance Payload Data Handling System for Gaia
Downloads: Article
Authors: Portell, J., Luri, X., García-Berro, E.
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 42, No. 2, April 2006, pp. 421-435.
Date: 2006
Tailored data compression using stream partitioning and prediction: application to Gaia
Tailored data compression using stream partitioning and prediction: application to Gaia
Downloads: Article
Authors: Portell, J., García-Berro, E., Luri, X., Villafranca, A.G.
Journal: Experimental Astronomy (2006) 21, pp. 125-149.
Date: 2006
Payload data handling, telemetry and data compression systems for Gaia
Payload data handling, telemetry and data compression systems for Gaia
Downloads: Thesis
Authors: Portell, J.
Date: 2005
Simulation of the clock framework of Gaia
Simulation of the clock framework of Gaia
Downloads: Proceeding
Authors: Castañeda, J., Gordo, J.P., Portell, J., García-Berro, E., Luri, X.
Conference: The Three-dimensional Universe with Gaia (Paris 2004)
Date: 2004
The Payload Data Handling and Telemetry Systems of Gaia
The Payload Data Handling and Telemetry Systems of Gaia
Downloads: Proceeding
Authors: Portell, J., Luri, X., García-Berro, E., Geijo, E.M.
Conference: The Three-dimensional Universe with Gaia (Paris 2004)
Date: 2004
Assessing the clock of Gaia: Design and implementation of a clock framework simulator
Assessing the clock of Gaia: Design and implementation of a clock framework simulator
Downloads: Article
Authors: García-Berro, E., Portell, J., Castañeda, J., Gordo, J.P.
Conference: Experimental Astronomy (2004) 18, pp. 133-158.
Date: 2004
Optimization of time data codification and transmission schemes: application to Gaia
Optimization of time data codification and transmission schemes: application to Gaia
Downloads: Article
Authors: Portell, J., García-Berro, E., Luri, X.
Conference: Experimental Astronomy (2003) 16, pp. 189-212, ISSN 0922-6435.
Date: 2003