To download the FAPEC Archiver you must accept the FAPEC End User License Agreement.
FAPEC is available as Command-Line Interface (CLI) executable programs (fapec and unfapec) for several architectures.
For Microsoft Windows, it is also available as a Graphical User Interface (GUI) program, called WinFAPEC.
For programmers, an API (Application Process Interface) composed of dynamic libraries and C headers, is also available.
There is also fapyc, the Python package for FAPEC, which you can install through pip.
You can just download and install FAPEC or WinFAPEC without any license or cost, but it will only allow you to decompress .fapec files (and with some limitations, such as error correction or number of concurrent threads).
To create .fapec files, you need a valid license: either a free evaluation license, or one of the full license options. Please contact us for details.
Download links to the FAPEC 24.0 Installer for different architectures: