Pick up the FAPEC license that better fits your needs:
- License type:
- Validity
- Multi-host
- Multi-thread
- Shareable archives
- Error recovery
- Encryption options
- Partial extractions
- Support from DAPCOM
- Upgrades included
- Free Decompressor
- Perpetual
- Yes
- Yes (max 2)
- N/A
- No
- No
- Not guaranteed
- N/A [4]
- Full Decompressor
- 1 year
- Yes
- Yes (max 16)
- N/A
- Yes
- XXTEA, AES-256 [3]
- Yes
- Basic
- Yes
- Free Evaluation
- 30 days
- Yes
- Yes (max 2)
- No [2]
- Yes
- Yes
- Not guaranteed
- No [5]
- Restricted
- 1 year
- As per licenses [1]
- Yes (max 2)
- Yes
- No
- None
- No
- Basic
- Yes
- Full
- 1 year
- As per licenses [1]
- Yes (max 16)
- Yes
- Yes
- XXTEA, AES-256 [3]
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
[1] One license allows running FAPEC on one single host. Multiple licenses can be acquired at a reduced price.
[2] Beware: FAPEC archives created with a Free Evaluation license cannot be decompressed with any other license.
[3] AES-256 (OpenSSL) encryption not available by default. FAPEC binaries with this feature can be provided if requested.
[4] New versions of the Free Decompressor can be downloaded from this website as needed.
[5] Additional Free Evaluation licenses can be requested after expiration, but FAPEC archives created with the previous (expired) license won’t be accessible anymore.